Written by Stewart Waddell

When we talk to new Education establishments even from the initial discussions, one of the major concerns is how a Bureau can maintain the large and often complex payroll provision …

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Written by Stewart Waddell

As much as I like to think of myself as a live-in-the-moment, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants, Bob-Marley-Be-Happy kinda person, some situations call for some serious forward planning. And education this year is looking …

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Written by John Williamson

Further to our blog of 25 March 2015 about an additional pay claim from UNISON, we can confirm that the Local Government Association have responded. In brief, the claim will …

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Written by Stewart Waddell

Many trusts are now adopting the single PAYE reference, commonly known as PAYE pooling, however before jumping in it’s important to look at all the pros and cons involved!

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