When we talk to new Education establishments even from the initial discussions, one of the major concerns is how a Bureau can maintain the large and often complex payroll provision which until recently was a cert to be managed by the Local Authority.
When we talk to new Education establishments even from the initial discussions, one of the major concerns is how a Bureau can maintain the large and often complex payroll provision which until recently was a cert to be managed by the Local Authority.
We Talk
Many new schools customers are surprised how regular contact is maintained. Schools under Local Authorities are often drifting through departments and never have one dedicated contact to speak to on a regular basis – There may be one person who processes P45’s , one person amending contracts and one person maintain absence records.
We Listen to you
Leaving local authorities is a large step for many establishments who have always ever known one way of managing the payroll function which may not be best suited to their requirements . Dataplan Payroll listen to each customer upon transfer to ascertain a unique specification, project plan and long term process. If you would like to see a copy of our plan education payroll implementation guide please contact us
We don’t dictate
Many Schools have only ever known one set of reports, sometimes no payslips are issued and sometimes neither reports or payslips are issued depending on the LEA. Dataplan can set and create reports exactly how you wish to see them.
We understand
Many Schools have been under the LA since the Dinosaurs! We know it is a cause for concern, but we guide you through the transfer – we’ve done this before and we’ll do it again.
We manage
We’ve dealt with every Local Authority in England, we’ve spoken to most of the contacts we know how to request the correct data within comfortable timeframes.
We innovate
We are not a Local Authority, nor do we run payrolls like one. We don’t have the pressure of Council budget cuts and targets. We offer a range of services including our new VERA HR Payroll and Finance package and our innovative ePayslips solution which provides virtual payslips and P60 information.
We can also provide all users with smartphone apps so employees can access payslip and other information 24/7.